Reiger make dampers with High / Low speed compression and Rebound adjustments. With these you can balance between stability, traction and comfort according to your current preferences and the circumstances.
Additionally you can choose options:
Double Piston and HDP (Hydraulic Double Piston) gives you a progressive compression damping so you can drive with a lot of comfort without your damper bottoming.
Rebound Control Valve (RCV) detects whether the wheel is on the ground and adjusts the damping accordingly. This will give you a lot more traction.
Intelligent Compression System (ICS) is Reigers patented, revolutionary system for compression damping. It feels if the wheel goes up (with a bump) or the chassis goes down (after a jump) and it adjusts the damping accordingly. Both are compression damping, but the weight that the damper has to deal with is significantly different.
We want to prevent that your quad feels instable, that is why Reiger invented Corner Control Valve (CCV). It gives you more stability on the slowest compression damping.

Reiger develop suspension that gives you the best stability and comfort. Even for the newest buggy models.
The quality of the Reiger product has been proven during a contest with the Yamaha XYZ1000R. This buggy had a lead of 60 seconds while using our dampers.
Dampers are custom made to match your wishes. For decades Reiger have been working and innovating every day to deliver the best products. Each damper will be adjusted to your needs and characteristics.
Experience it by contacting us. So we may look at the possibilities for your buggy.
Which buggy’s have Reiger Suspension?
Yamaha XYZ1000R – PolarisRZR1000 – Can Am Maverick RS
Want some advice on what option will suit you best? use the contact us page and we will be in touch as soon as possible!
Want to order a set of Reiger Suspension? Send an email to INFO@VANVLIETRACING.COM.AU or use the contact us page